GIRL POWER Shopping List

Long time, no write, huh?

I mean... I do have two children, a marriage, a growing shop, a new home and a few other things to show for it... but dang, I have to keep up around here. 

But, it's a new day. And I've compiled a list of some of my favorite GIRL POWER items to add to your arsenal! Don't have an arsenal? That's ok, this is a great starting place! 

First, I just want to say, this list is NOT limited to girls/girl moms! If we don't teach our boys the value a woman holds in society, who will? I want Henry to see his sister as an equal, worthy of encouragement, and someday I want him to find a woman that challenges his way of thinking, someone he can look to as a teammate in life. 

So here are a few of my favorite tools to cultivate an appreciation for all things female... 

// Books // 

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls // This is the book I used to help me take listing photos for this latest preorder. I love that the stories are about as long as my child's attention span, the illustrations are beautiful and the book hits all the high notes. They've even come out with a second in the series since we purchased our first... *add to cart* Since the creation of the books this company has went on to do so much for the female community and even offers a gift shop full of GIRL POWER gifts! 

She Persisted // This book was written by Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Hillary and Bill Clinton. It's wonderfully written, and again, full of beautiful illustrations. She touches on 13 different females including a favorite of mine, Virginia Apgar, the woman responsible for the APGAR score, a gauge of a newborns health at delivery. These stories aren't more than a paragraph long, it's a very easy bedtime read. 

She Spoke // This is probably Henry's favorite one. It has the stories of 14 women, and buttons on the left that play a recording of a well known speech they've given. Funny story... the first time Nellie "read it" on her own I about peed my pants thinking we had a stranger in the house. 

I Dissent // If you're unsure about the meaning behind "I dissent" this is a great book for you and your littles. Ruth has led a fascinating life as the first female supreme court justice, paving the way for other women to join the highest court in the land. The illustrations in this book are amazing, we see something new in the pages every time we read it. 

// Toys // 

Dixie & Bee // If you follow me on Instagram, you know my deep love for Dixie and Bee. This sweet momma lives on the East coast and paints the most beautiful wooden dolls. I originally began ordering to add some fun to Nellie's doll house, but almost two years later, I have dolls in the doll house, dolls in my office and even dolls painting to look like the kids in their halloween costumes through the years. Both Henry and Nellie LOVE our doll house, it's one of the only "upstairs" toys in the house since it requires no batteries, doesn't make any noise, and encourages imaginative play. These dolls are truly heirloom quality! She only opens her shop once a month so be sure to follow her on instagram for the latest news! 

RBG Doll & Misc Art // I LOVE everything Sophie and Lili creator Jennifer Vallez stands for. Her instagram feed is always full of beautiful art based on current events. I own her adorable RBG doll and it sits on a shelf in my office. She even offers custom family illustrations that are to die for, be sure to check out her entire shop! 

// Apparel // 

Emily Ley's Sisters Tee // I could write a whole blog post about the ways I love Emily Ley. From her simplified planner to her beautiful taste in home decor to her thought provoking and honest posts on social media - she's a real class act. She recently released these shirts that promote racial equality through a sisterhood of women. They're simple and beautiful. While you're on her site, check out her simplified planner, a well thought out creation to keep you organized in day to day life. 

Human Unlimited Strong Women Shirt // This is the shirt I was wearing in our most recent LIVE video on the Facebook VIP Group and I got a lot of followup questions about where I bought it. This site is full of great apparel, some appropriate for family dinner night, some not so much. I love the message of this particular shirt, Strong Women, Know Them, Be Them, Raise Them. 

// Misc // 

Girl Power Sticker // I "met" Natasha via Instagram over the winter when she so graciously offered to make Nellie a jean jacket for our most recent trip to Disney World. I've been an avid follower ever since. Her stickers are created out of her own personal artwork and I am constantly in awe of her creative gift. 

Dissent Pins // First off, be warned, this website is a slippery slope. Their product line will speak to you and before you know it, you'll have carted 25 things. But seriously, this company has been creating socially relevant items for a while now, including some adorable RBG items. My current favorites are yard signs that thank essential workers, pins reminding people to hand wash and the CUTEST rainbow earrings. 

Motivational Pens // When I found these pens at The Tin Roof a couple months back, I knew I needed to have them. I mean, as a nurse (I've heard this is true for teachers too) your love for a good pen runs DEEP. So imagine my satisfaction when I found a pen that writes great AND features inspirational messages on the side. Talking Out of Turn has created a full on office supply empire and I am HERE. FOR. IT. 

My Fair Ellie Badge Buddies // We couldn't make a list without them! Don't forget that the designs in the shop will stick to your badge reel, your MFE fridge magnet, our interchangeable bow, our pin bases and even our keychains! We are constantly working on new ideas that help promote gender equality and we would love to hear your ideas for future designs! 

This list is far from all inclusive, but it's a great place to start! I'd love to hear about items you have that promote gender equality. Drop some links below so I can add them to our stash!! 

XOXO Cassie


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